Friday, October 3, 2014

Exigence Gatorman/Minion spoilers

Updated as I see things on the internets. Everything 100% unconfirmed and just as likely to be trolling. Initial thoughts posted for later amusement.

1. Sacral Vault also works for Legion and Circle. Pig BE works for Trolls and Skorne. Apparently  pretty much as spoiled before.

Because we cannot have nice things by ourselves. I don't mind sharing anyway. But I do love playing stuff that craps on Cryx!

2. Maximus: Doom Reaver with Relentless Charge, Tough and Unyielding SPD 6 MAT 8 DEF 13 ARM 16 PC 2
Works for everyone, but probably not Gators. Because Minions are one faction and all that propaganda.

That is good. Very good. Assuming he also has at least 5 damage boxes, that is a tanky, tanky Reaver. Still can get shot but he can deal a lot of damage.

3. Some light cav solo, likely for Pigs.

I swear to god, if both Pacts don't get a useful beast of some kind....

4. Apparently no Gobber Pirate thingos

Whatever. Gobbers are stupid. I just realized yesterday that the Swamp Gobbers are not actually amphibious. SWAMP. GOBBERS. Might as well rename to Desert Gas Goblins.

5. Apparently none of the promised cross-pact stuff?

Ok things have died down for a while it seems.Hoping for something else.

Pls PP つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIV WARBIST つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 

Another thingo:

Jaga theme: 
1 - Indeterminate restrictions = reduce point cost of BE by 1
2 - 3+ undead models/units = undead models gain advance move
3 - Two+ models with Magic Ability = friendly models / units can begin the game affected by jaga jaga's upkeeps
4 - 1+ Sacral Vault =  2" extra deployment zone

Unless you get access to some sweet out of faction stuff, this is literally a steaming pile of cat vomit. Unless you get the 3 Posse and everything you would normally bring of course.
Helga theme:
1 - reduced cost of BE by 1
2 - slaughterhouser units, maximus gain AD
3- 2" extra deployment zone
4- +1 to starting roll!

See comment above, but switch out cat for dog vomit (larger area but not as putrid).

Light Cav Pig solo:
Works for everyone in hordes but gators
light cav, pathfinder, camouflage, sniper, RNG 12, POW 7 AP gun.

Stats: SPD8 STR5 MAT6 RAT7 DEF14 ARM14 and CMD8 
Race is Efaarit and he rides a retarded version of a camel.

Works for everyone BUT Gators! Hahahahah!

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